It all began with a man and a promise. Against the unimaginable horrors of Auschwitz, a young Eugen Gluck made an oath: “I’m going to survive this. And I’m going to show you how human beings are supposed to treat each other.” And so, he did.

Finding refuge in NYC, Mr. Gluck and his wife Jean (that’s right — Eugen and Jean — it was love at first sight!) set out to embody the American dream: First with a bakery, and then with a watch business. That business became “America’s Watch,” an industry leader that embraced technology and forward-thinking design to carve out a foothold in the American zeitgeist.

In the digital revolution of the 80s, Armitron led the way with one-of-a-kind watches in every style imaginable. As Armitron continued to grow, Mr. Gluck never lost sight of his original promise to put people first — and that ethos is what continues to drive Armitron today with Mr. Gluck’s daughter, Bobbie, upholding his legacy as CEO.



Armitron – Love Every Second

Armitron is different; a family business inspired by survival, from escaping WW2 to living the American dream. It’s why we stand up for people and celebrate life. It’s why we understand that little things that matter, like a watch you love.

We’ve been matching people with watches since 1975—and we do watches well. Watches that tick all the boxes; the quality you deserve and details that delight. Watches that hold your hand through this whole crazy thing called life and make it better.

You may have many watches but you'll only need one brand.

Trust Armitron to be with you. Every second, every day, every year.